The Mesothelioma latency period is very long. A latency period is the time it takes a disease to become apparent in its victim. With Mesothelioma cancer, this can range from 10 years to 40 years, with the uppermost number being more common. This latency period is the longest of any of the illnesses cause by asbestos exposure.
The majority of the time senior citizens and those over 40 are the ones that receive the bad news of Mesothelioma cancer. Of those diagnosed below the age of 40 most often, exposure occurred during the victims childhood years. Childhood diagnoses of the disease are extremely rare.
When a person is exposed to asbestos for a long period or in great concentrations, the latency period seems to lessen. The greater the amount of asbestos fiber that a person inhales or ingests the lower the latency period becomes. These high concentrations are usually limited to shipyard workers and vessel construction workers.
Due to of Mesothelioma’s extremely long latency period those that are diagnosed with the illness do not survive very long after the discovery. Cancer victims stand a better chance for recovery when cancers are discovered early so Mesothelioma latency period does not help its victims. By the time, the cancer is discovered it is far too late.
Mesothelioma cancer comes in several forms and they are designated by the location of the cancer. Peritoneal Mesothelioma affects the thin membrane that lines the stomach and Pleural Mesothelioma is found in the membrane surrounding the lungs. Of the two, Pleural Mesothelioma has the longest latency period. There are also Mesothelioma cancers associated with the heart and the testicles.
The overwhelming majority of Mesothelioma victims inhaled or ingested asbestos fibers at work in industrial settings. Most developed countries have now put curbs on the use of asbestos but due to the extended latency period, cases of the cancer will continue to rise. Exposure to asbestos in America was at its highest in the middle of the last century.
Therefore, there was an increase in diagnoses near the turn of the century. Around the globe, peaks maybe on the rise due to the shift of asbestos use to less developed nations.
Due to its extended latency period, Mesothelioma can lurk for decades undetected which means there maybe unknown exposures that have been uncovered. A cluster of workers could have been exposed unwittingly and the cancer maybe waiting to appear. This is just one the many issue Mesothelioma researchers must deal with because of Mesothelioma latency period.
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